Hipstamatic's Hipstapak: Basel


I've had a long, mostly loving relationship with Hipstamatic going back to 2009 or 2010... let's just say, it's been a while.From the early days part of the appeal was the square format and analogue inspired filter packs. These packs were designed by using a combination of Lens, Film and even Flash styles to create certain effects.A year or so ago they launched a full on editor, which presented the opportunity to capture via whatever capture app you wish and then apply their Hipstapak combinations to create a final product that is often fun and hip. Now there have been some challenges since that 300 release occurred, but Hipstamatic is pretty solid these days and I'm finding myself using it more and more again.One of the cool things is that they are constantly releasing new Film/Lens/Flash Packs: Hipstapaks. This is their bread and butter, as generally each one is about $1.00 US. As a result I've probably spent more on Hipstamatic over the years than I have on any other app, but when you consider how much we spend on a cuppa coffee, it's typically cash well spent! ;)One of my recent fave Hipstapak's is one called Basel. It creates a super high contrast black and white, with a vibrant, graphical overlay. Now the overlay is randomly placed, so sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't work, it all depends on your subject and composition.Today I had the opportunity to take some snaps of some amazing classic cars. I thought Basel Hipstapak could be a lot of fun to use. You'll see some images where it works and where it didn't. What I found is that I would check each image as I captured it to see the results, if I liked them I'd move on, if I didn't I would reshoot the car. Easy and fun!I also used some of the manual exposure tools available to play about with brightness in the images.Hipstamatic is available for IOS in the App Store and is currently $2.99.BKVF5479UHEV5679AORC3305THDV7547TRYJ3318CCXP7139


Nino: A Portrait Series


Airport Advantage Roller from Think Tank Photo