Shooting with Speedlights: A Location Lighting Seminar


Hey everyone!Next week I'm leading a 2-hour workshop on using Speedlights! It's November 12, 2015 from 7 - 9 PM.If you're in the Seattle area, check out this workshop happening over at Glazer's Camera, tickets are only $25. That's a steal of a deal.During the workshop I'll cover the essential pieces of equipment you'll need to modify and control your speedlights, on and off camera. After we go over the essentials you'll see the speedlights in action, starting with basic on camera options, but diving a bit deeper into off camera lighting set ups. I'll be using a variety of speedlight brands and modifiers by Rogue Photographic Design: Flash Benders.This workshop is great for anyone who's curious about using speedlights or just purchased one and wants to get more of an idea of what you can do with it. Even if you've been using speedlights for some time, I know you'll pick up something new.Grab your seat today: Shooting with Speedlights: A Location Lighting Seminar.Hope to see you there!~ kate


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