New York, 2015
If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter you may be aware that I’ve been travelling for a couple of months. It’s been cool, crazy and a lot of fun. The journey began with a handful of days in early March for WPPI in Las Vegas. I can’t forget to mention how awesome it is to travel with these ladies, Susan Roderick and Kenna Klosterman. Apparently we have a think TANK photo bag problem, but I’m sure we will seek help… in the form of more bags!While I’m not strictly a portrait photographer, I have a lot of friends who attend this event annually and it’s a great way to see people, catch up… oh yea and party. As usual, this year did not disappoint, catching up with old friends, making new friends and finally meeting people in person that I’ve been friends with on Facebook or some other social network. Nothing beats human connection. If you’ve contemplated going to a convention like WPPI, if you can, it’s probably worth doing at least once in your life. It can be expensive, just like any travel, but if you’re willing to have a roommate, eat on the cheap it can totally be affordable. For the most part this trip has been filled with short hops to lots of cities, with two exceptions: New York and Edinburgh. At the moment I’m in a coffee shop in Cambridge, England and am going to travel back to March and work on sharing stories and images from the journey so far.
From Vegas I headed to New York. I have a very kind and generous friend named Natalie who was willing to put me up for a bit. Along with getting to spend some quality time with her and properly catch up, I also got to hang out with these gals, meet Ruby and Darla.
Prior to my arrival New York had a pretty rough winter, lots more snow than in the previous few years as I understand it. I know the north east coast in general was slammed with winter storms. Where I live, in Seattle, we’ve had a surprisingly mild winter, so I jokingly said, "I’ll bring some sun with me”. And the morning after I arrive….
HA! I suppose that’s what I get for saying I’ll bring sun from Seattle, but in my defence I was coming direct from Las Vegas, so it sort of made sense. Except that one night where it rained in Vegas… hmmm. I'm sure the New Yorkers weren’t too happy about the snow, I’d guess. I can understand that, especially when you’re inundated with it. Me, I didn’t mind it too much, it was the first time I’d seen snow all winter so I suggested we get out in it. Natalie indulged me and we did! There’s something quite calm and beautiful about snow as it’s falling, especially at night, you know when the world seems to quiet down. Within a day or so, the sun did appear, for real with blue skies and all that, and it warmed up enough to begin the initial melt down. Where stepping into the snow goes from soft and light to icy sludge. Not as much fun to stomp around in, unless you’re a kid at heart! Having been to New York several times now, I wasn’t really an uber tourist. I wanted to work on my blog again, and I did. As well working on planning the my journey from New York. This doesn’t mean I was a shut-in. It just meant I spent more time in this awesome coffee shop near my friends place, and doing a bit more exploration of Brooklyn than I’d done before. I definitely spent time on subways. It’s New York, that’s how you get around. That and walking, loads of walking. Subways, Shopping Malls, Architecture and Streets. I really do feel like New York helps you see differently, or perhaps think a bit differently as a photographer. There are so many stories and moments to capture and share. These are just a few. I have a feeling I’ll be going through my images from there for some time.
That's NYC, this time around. I'm super grateful I was able to spend so much time there on this trip. Normally I am just there for a few days, and spending all my time at a convention center. This trip gave me an opportunity to see more of day to day life in NYC.Stay tuned for more adventures from Iceland! And some other spots...~ kate