cape cod
It's amazing how close everything seems to be in New England. I just spent a couple of months living in Massachusetts and found some stellar landscapes and views within just a couple of hours driving time. After 8 years of living out west and almost 2 of that being at a beachy part of Seattle, I found I really missed the water. Spoiled perhaps, but I fell in love with it, for sure. As a result, when I was in MA, I drove to find water and coast. Again, not too difficult.A few weeks ago I drove over to the "Cape" as it's often referred to. This was a nice break from the forest-y feel of Massachusetts 'burbs. I first found a state park, Nauset Light Beach which was right on the Atlantic, the day was beautiful, only those little wispy clouds in the sky.Playing about with perspective, I got low with the camera angle and snapped up these rocks, with the water in the background.
After spending some time enjoying the views, the water, the sounds, I hopped back into the car to go a bit further north. My goal: Find a lighthouse! You can't go to this area and not find one, so I did a quick google map search for a lighthouse and discovered Highland Museum and Lighthouse.I feel I should add that most of these little day trips are pretty unplanned. Basically it pops into my head that "oh hey, let's go to Maine on Saturday" and then we go. :-) Speaking of Maine, I have some Maine photos coming up soon!Back to the lighthouse though...I have four perspectives.Getting close:
From a distance, portrait/vertical:
From a distance, landsacpe:
Somewhere in the middle:
Changing perspective is really valuable in photography (well in life too). You might like one view immediately, but find months or even years later a different viewpoint really works.I find this super important when going to new places, especially if I'm not sure when/if I may visit there again. :-)On the images: All of these were captured with the Fuji X100s and edited in Ligthroom. The Black and White Lighthouse photo was also edited via Nik Collections Analogue Efex Pro 2.Thanks for reading!~ kate