Road Trip: Washington to Montana
Summertime is here, in full swing with warmer days, sun rays and road trips. A good friend of mine was heading to Montana with her family for a few days and I was able to join them.Montana is just about two states east from Washington, it may not seem that far, but the states in the west of the US are wide, with this in mind I opted to do the drive east over a couple of days. This would allow me to make those stops that us photographer's want to take.One of the great places to make a stop is Wild Horses Monument in Eastern Washington, it has a view of the Columbia River and this fabulous sculpture of horses.Parts of Idaho are filled with Evergreens, just like parts of Washington and Montana.
Part of the journey included an afternoon at Glacier National Park. Now this is a HUGE park, so one day means you can't really do the exploration you'd like to. I could see going back to Montana and trying to spend a couple of days in the park. These handful of photos display only a portion of what the park has to offer.
On the way home I passed these amazing hills with clouds of perfection in the sky.
It's quite beautiful, the land, the skies, the rivers and lakes. It's easy to miss these things in the hustle and bustle of our lives, so take a break, and see the world around you. :)~ kate