In The Air


It's not just a Phil Collins song... it's a thing birds do and people too. Fly that is. Of course us humans have to be in something like a plane, or a parachute if that's how you roll. Personally I do wonder the logic in jumping out of a perfectly good aircraft, but I have friends who love skydiving, so I don't judge!One of the things I love to do is take photos from the window seat, especially of the clouds, and occasionally I get lucky and get some cool land shots too. The biggest challenge is not getting a wing in the shot. Though the wing can add some perspective to a scene, so if you can make it work then rock it.On a flight from Budapest to London, I was checking the view from above and came across these clouds. Simply epic and awesome. I probably took 20-30 images just of these clouds. Do you have a similar love???~ kate


Edinburgh Castle


Budapest - In the open air