finding time

Time gets away from us.Time takes us over.We get tunnel vision.We're hyper-focused on many details.We are always on the go.Finding time, can be challenging, but it's important!At least I know I'm challenged in finding time, sometimes energy for things I want to pursue. I might guess at least of few of you are challenged in this area too.One thing I have found time for, made time for, is volunteering. About 9 months ago I was finally in a position to volunteer with Youth in Focus. Youth in Focus provides photographic education to underserved teens, in both digital and film disciplines.I am one of three mentors this quarter, along with an instructor in a class of just 8 students. This provides a great opportunity for hands on instruction and feedback on their work throughout the quarter. The kids get homework assignments, which they get to process via Lightroom. And then print weekly for critique and discussion. Along with all of that we do a couple of field trips.Last week we had a special tour at the Henry Art Museum on the University of Washington campus. And today, we ventured out to Pike Place Market, a new experience for some. Today's trip was purely to have some fun, and of course, take some photos.Here's a few I snapped during the day.Each quarter so far has been a wonderful experience for me. I think the best part has been seeing what people can do, what inspires them, and what they're curious about.Simply put, it's inspiring and I can't wait to see what these guys do next!~ kate


how did she do that? pt.1


olympus pen ep-2